
28 October 2014

7 Facts About Sin

So what is SIN? Defining sin can be varied, but basically SIN can be defined as "anything that violates God's will". To get a better view of sin, we could consider these facts about SIN.

7 Facts About Sin
1. All MEN have sinned (Sin is universal)
    Romans 3:23: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God

2. Sin SEPARATES us from God.
    Isaiah 59:2: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins     have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

3. The punishment of sin is UNAVOIDABLE
     Numbers 32:23: But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and        be sure your sin will find you out

4. All SINS of the World were laid on JESUS CHRIST

    Isaiah 53:6: All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own           way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. 

5. The BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST washes away EVERY sin
     Revelation 1:5: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten      of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and                    washed us from our sins in his own blood,

6. Sin can be forgiven immediately when we GENUINELY confess
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to             cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

      Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and         forsaketh them shall have mercy.

7. There is no sin in HEAVEN (in fact it is not permitted!)
     Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither          whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the                Lamb's book of life.

Would you love to discuss more about sin? Let's get talking!

27 October 2014

For The Road

Proverbs 10:22 KJV
The blessing of the Lord , it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
Little is much with God in it. I'd rather be content with the little I have than become selfishly greedy and covet someone's belongings
or property. All things belong to God who gives so liberally whenever we ask according to HIS will yet I have also realized God rewards hard
While waiting and trusting God to do a miracle,
put your hands to work. Dedicate your skills,
gifts and talents to doing your best, not unto
man but unto God who rewards all.
In my short stay on earth, I have realized complaining does not do much for anyone. After
complaining, there's even more work to be done. Why not cut down the minute for complaining and put yourself to work.
Rest where necessary. Overburdening yourself with too much work when you need to attend to family, friends and other pressing issues can be disabling.
In all of God's work of creation, there's REST.
Finally, be faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2 puts it so nicely and on point by saying "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful".

Look To Jesus

Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us , and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, [2] Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The great cloud of witnesses include patriarchs,
men of faith, the fraternity of believers who have
gone ahead into glory and are keenly interested in
the salvation of men- their response to the
salvation message and they rejoice with the angels
when a soul gets converted. They too were human
and know what things ensnare us but if they were
able to conquer, then we too can- looking into
JESUS, the author & finisher of our faith!
Who do you look up to?

Everyone has someone they admire. We all do. There is something about someone one wishes to possess. It even becomes stronger when all we want to do is just to become like that person. Reading the Bible, one character that fascinates and whose gift and blessing, whose grace and anointing I desire is Prophet Jonah!
Interesting huh! One wonders why I choose Jonah when there are many other people one could to be like. Let's look at what Jonah is known for:
1. God called Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach against it because its sins had come up before God.
2. Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish instead of Nineveh.
3. The Lord caused a violent storm. Afraid, the sailors did all they could but to no avail.
4. The sailors cast lots which fell on Jonah - meaning Jonah was the cause of the storm/ calamity.
5. Jonah was thrown into the sea and was swallowed by a great fish.
Oops! What a story!
So why would I want to be like Jonah? Not that I want to end up bringing calamity by running from God, or by running to Tarshish or by being swallowed by a great fish. No! My desire goes beyond that!
Jonah had an attitude. He knew which string to pull to reach an altitude. He could look at his actions and predict its magnitude... but Jonah knew God.
So why do I want to be like Jonah!
1. He was BOLD about his FAITH in God
These days, many are shy to profess their Christian faith and would rather be silent so they would accepted by peers. People know God and by our confessions, we bring Him to the world. Sometimes we may not need to talk much, only our confessions is enough to bring others to Him. The sailors feared and prayed to God! Wow!
2. Jonah prayed in his distress to God.
In the belly of the fish, Jonah remembered God. Oh that we would remember God in times of distress, when all seem lost and there is no hope! May we receive the grace, strength and ability to pray to God when things get so rough and when all available solutions look bleak, halleluyah!
3. Jonah had one of the greatest preaching anointing ever given to men!
Jonah by preaching in a day had the whole nation of Nineveh to repent. Not that some people repented, but the whole nation repented!
The nation of Nineveh even declared a fast - man and animals fasted and prayed that God would forgive them of their sins as they turn away from their wicked ways.

I want to be like Jonah, not because of his disobedience but because of the three reasons above.

Now let's consider this!
Jonah had a powerful anointing to preach. His preaching caused even the king to repent. The whole nation repented. That was his only ministry.
Today, many struggle to have people hear them and have to do many other things to have healing and miracles so people believe. Jonah had no miracle, no healing, no signs and wonders but when he preached God's unadulterated word, a whole nation repented.
I want to be like Jonah, do you?
Much love,
AMinistry Worker

26 October 2014

Choose JESUS Daily!

God is great and worthy to be praised. He created us in His own image and did what no one will do -
He gave us HIMSELF! He is with us (to convict us, and lead us to God, the cross, salvation), in us (to
sanctify, transform us into HIS image) and on us (for service).
When God is with you and in you, amazing things happen - if you give HIM the authority to, He will steer you to a great end.
Now let's look at this carefully - John 6:18-21 KJV
"And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew. [19] So when they had rowed about five and
twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they
were afraid. [20] But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid. [21] Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went."
Now watch verse 21 - immediately they took Jesus in, the ship came to land where they were going!
Today God is ready to help us reach the shore, away from the storm that rise up against us - He is saying "it is I, be not afraid".
Are you willing to let Him in your ship (life)? The choice is yours - choose Jesus!
Much love!


"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
Acts 1:8 (KJV)

What great power the Church received on the day of Pentecost! That power still exists today and has been given to everyone who believes yet unlike the people of Old, our power we have received is laying waste .

The opening verse mentions "power, and witnesses" yet today we have power but are no more witnesses. God is calling you, He wants you to be reminded "you have the power of the Holy Ghost so you can a WITNESS".

You see, when we witness to others, it is not us who do the convincing or conversion - it is the Holy Spirit working through us. HE does everything - He begins by placing a desire in the heart of people where they get a great desire to know the Lord. Then He (the HOLY SPIRIT) sends a Word through someone to the person; sometimes they may not believe or are not settled in their minds/ hearts. Then God sends another person to them to confirm His Word, His love, His grace. This too might be rejected by the person. This does not mean those earlier people have no POWER, they do! The reason why most people may not accept the Word of God at the first instance is purely because you cannot put a seed of corn in the ground today and expect it to bear fruits that same day! SOMETIMES it does!

Let us consider these verses

Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.
And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth.
I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.
John 4:35-38 KJV

There are various timelines for soul harvesting; one plants, one waters, one removes the thorns and prunes, another harvests and all receive wages! All the workers at the various stages are important.

In the verses above, John 4:38 reveals what our mandate is "we have been sent to harvest where we have not laboured, others have laboured and we enter into their labours"! Halleluyah!

It is time to arise and get working, the harvest is ready. By witnessing to others about Jesus Christ, the POWER to WITNESS is released and we harvest souls to the glory of God's name.
Arise today and be a WITNESS!

Much love!