“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee …”
Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV)
Difficult to believe? You might probably be wondering how true it is that God knew you before you came out of your mother’s womb - when you remember how you struggled to make it through school, write some exams, stayed up late in the night to study and nothing ever got into your head and even spent time going to church and praying but to no avail. Things even became worse than you thought, and the troubles never seem to end.
No matter how hard it is for you to believe it, God formed you in your mother’s belly, crafted you with special love and care, arranged the hair on your head and even knows the number of hairs you have! Amazing, isn’t it?
God has a special interest in you – He has made some investments in you and would never want to see you go bad. He is the one who has given you the grace to go through all you have been through. He wants you to get EXPERIENCE so you could get to the next level He has prepared for you.
God wants you to come into this next position qualified – very qualified. A teacher in any level of academic pursuit would test their students’ knowledge of understanding before promoting them to the next class. He cannot promote them if they do not understand the basics. Sometimes, the student has to repeat the class or rewrite the examination. Promotion does not come but after every successful test where the student comes out with flying colours. God really knows you, is interested in you and would never let you go!
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
All that you have been through, are going through and would go through- is working together for your good. YES, IT IS! This is because you have a deposit of God in you and His fore knowledge of you makes it more interesting. He knows how your end would be! Just believe and rely on Him to show you the way and He will.
Now, let’s take a pause here and do this.
I don’t know what you have been through, and what you are going through right now but I want to give you this special and rare opportunity to make this decision in your life. It is about accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior. Though He knows you and would never let you go, you have to make a decision today to make Him the Lord and savior of your life. That’s when His plans and purposes for your life can come true. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. It’s okay trying to do it and fight life’s battles on your own. Hand it over to Jesus! Confess Him as your Lord and Personal Saviour today and He will take you through.
Kindly say these words loudly “Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me. Thank you for coming to die on the cross to save me from sin and its power. Today, I accept you as Lord of my life. I believe you came to die for my sins. Right now, I confess you as Lord and Master of my life. Forgive all of my sins and take control of my life. Steer it to that bright future that you predestined for me even before time began. Amen.
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name”
John 1:12
God bless you so much for accepting Christ Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. You have become a child of God. God’s seed that makes you His son is in you. In fact, it was in you but it has now been rejuvenated to live for Him and fulfill His purpose. Now you can boldly say “all things are working for my good because I love God and have been called according to His purpose.
“For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
Romans 8:29.
God knew you in advance before you knew yourself. Surprised? It’s true. He wants you to be like His Son Jesus Christ. That is why He gave you the power to become His Son too. (See John 1:12, Romans 8:29)
William Burkitt puts it this way: To be conformed to the image of his Son; That is, to be made like unto our Lord Jesus in affection and disposition, in life and conversation, in the temper of our minds, and in the actions of our lives; like unto him in his sufferings, in the cause of his sufferings, righteousness-sake and well-doing; in the kind of his sufferings, reproach, hatred, outward violence, and death itself; and in the manner of his sufferings, with meekness and patience; and like unto him in his glory; suffering with him, we shall be glorified together.
Praise God! Good news! You too can be like Jesus!