are an epistle of Christ . . . written not with ink but by the Spirit
of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that
is, of the heart. —2 Corinthians 3:3
a child, I loved it when my mom read to me. I would sit on her lap and
listen to every word. As she read, I examined the details of every
picture and waited eagerly to hear what was on the next page.
you ever thought about the idea that our lives tell a story? In every
situation—good, bad, or indifferent—people around us are watching and
listening to the story we are telling. Our story is communicated not
only through our words but also through our attitudes and actions as we
respond to life’s buffetings and blessings. Our children and
grand-children, spouses, neighbors, and co-workers can all observe the
story we’re telling.
reminds us that as followers of Jesus, our lives are like letters
“known and read by all men; . . . an epistle of Christ . . . written not
with ink but by the Spirit of the living God” (2 Cor. 3:2-3).
is the story that those around us are reading through the letter of our
lives? Stories of forgiveness? Compassion? Generosity? Patience? Love?
you’ve experienced the joy of a grace-filled life that comes from the
Spirit of God in you, then welcome to the joy of being one of God’s
great storytellers! —Joe Stowell
Dear Lord, we love You. We want our lives to
tell the story of Your goodness and grace.
May we be a bold witness of You.
Use us in ways we never thought possible.
Let your life tell the story of Christ’s love and mercy to the world around you.
Credit: Our Daily Bread, 2013