
26 April 2016

The APF story

The ministry we now call Ancient Pathways Fellowship (APF) started on this wise:

A passionate God-loving fellow felt the "need" to pray and spend time with God; as he puts it: He missed his days on campus. He thus invited a pal to come along in 'prayer'. The prayer was so powerful & 'nice' such that he invited another fellow to join as it turned out to become a monthly prayer meeting. At one of those prayer meetings (now Throne Room Encounter), God impressed the 'need' for the three friends to get out there and minister at the Legon hospital. The three agreed to go out and ministered at the hospital.

 Out of this has evolved this great ministry touching the lives of many to become fruitful in the kingdom and also the lives of many high school students, prison inmates, the sick, orphanages and missionary work in rural communities dubbed Jesus Gospel Crusade all in obedience to Matthew 25:31-46.

From the afore, it is clear that the said PRAYER MEETING now dubbed "THRONE ROOM ENCOUNTER" is the fulcrum around which APF revolves. It thus ought be taken with all seriousness because out of these meetings God has clearly instructed this ministry_APF. We wish to encourage ALL Christians with the zeal and passion for the things of God and missions to do ALL in their power to make it for the monthy Throne Room Encounter. 

We hope to see you on the first Saturday of every month at the Kanda Prayer & Worship Centre as pray, praise and get instructed in what it takes to get to the Next Level in our lives and ministry.

 God will instruct us and lead us to the next level as we fellowship in His Presence... I can't wait to see u. Blessings! The Lord's anointed...


28 November 2014

What's Beauty

Growing up, most girls are overwhelmed by how much "love and admiration" they get especially from men of all ages, sizes and social status.
From the first stage where they develop breasts and start getting pimples, and menstruating, they seem to take special care and give great attention to how they look usually spending lots of time before the mirror as if to ask "mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"
Intentionally getting "all dressed up & hot" becomes one main reason why they wanna dress to "kill".
Boys, guys, men are always attracted to what they see and start to pursue these girls, ladies and women and satisfy their eyes (lust) to really be sure if what they are seeing outside is what is really beneath. 
I then begin to wonder what one would describe as beauty...
I believe beauty is not only from the outside, there's more to beauty than meets the eye.
What really is beauty? Let's discuss, your comments are welcome, feel free...


22 November 2014

Getting Them Through The Teenage Years

" Use wisdom n understanding to rule your home..." Prov 24:3

When you’re the parent of a ‘teen in
transition’, it’s important to find the right
blend of correction, instruction, motivation and praise. Instead of focusing on behaviour you don’t want, praise and reward behaviour you want more of. If your child feels like you’re
always ‘on their back’ instead of ‘on their team’ about how they dress, their friends, their music, etc., they’ll resist you at every turn. The Bible says about parenting: a) ‘Children, obey
your parents’ (Ephesians 6:1 NKJV). b) ‘Don’t exasperate your children by coming down hard on them’ (Ephesians 6:4 TM). Use the carrot
and stick approach. If you’re all ‘stick’ and no ‘carrot’ you’ll provoke them into rebelling, going undercover and cutting off communication. And if you grew up in a home where you were never praised or rewarded, you’ll have to work harder to break the cycle.

Exploding at your teen just teaches them to handle their own anger explosively. Expect to be shocked and be prepared to respond constructively. If you take their mood swings and inconsistencies personally, you’ll end up
reacting in ways you regret. Do you remember your own adolescence and how you felt about your parents’ opinions, tastes and rules? Mark Twain said: ‘When I was fourteen my dad was
so ignorant I could hardly stand to have him around. But when I got to be twenty-one I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years!’ If you’re raising a teen, here are two Scriptures worth remembering: ‘Love never fails’ (1Corinthians 13:8 NKJV).

‘Use wisdom and understanding to establish your home.’

14 November 2014

When The Answer Isn't What You Want

'A thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me' 2cor12:7

Paul isn’t referring to the kind of ‘thorn’ you find on rosebushes, but a sharp, pointed stake that inflicts pain. And the word ‘buffet’ means ‘to render blow after blow after blow’. This makes his next statement all the more amazing: ‘I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in…touch with my limitations…I… begged God to remove it. Three times…then He
told me, “My grace is…all you need. My
strength comes into its own in your weakness.” Once I heard that…I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the
gift…Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer…I just let Christ take over!’ (vv.7-10 TM). Paul responded to his thorny situations by doing six things: 1) Admitting
he needed God’s strength.
2) Asking, even
begging, for God’s help.
3) Accepting the
answer when God said, ‘No.’
4) Appreciating it
as ‘a gift’.
5) Acting with confidence and continuing to fulfil his mission.
6) Acknowledging that the problem allowed God to work through him. When the driving force within Paul had been redirected by God, he wrote: ‘I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me’ (Galatians 2:20 NIV). Paul’s will had been taken to the cross and crucified. Now he operated in the will of God and no longer questioned the path or the price. That’s the place God wants to bring you to!
Halleluyah! Glory to God!

Credit: Eld Daniel Danquah